‘Irish Greyhound Personality of the Year’ 1996, 2006 & 2011...
Dolores Ruth is one of the leading authorities on greyhounds in the world. She has uniquely achieved success in all aspects of greyhound racing from breeding and rearing to training, across multiple countries and racing systems, from Australia to the UK and Ireland.
In a sport and industry where volume is often king, Dolores is a true innovator, cultivating the principle, “Quality not Quantity”, she has always maintained a small, one could say boutique style kennel with racing strength often being ten greyhounds or less. Her singular commitment to her work is unequalled, her level of understanding of the racing greyhound is second to none, and this coupled with an eye for precise detail and a near obsession for perfection in all aspects of her work, always meant that success was likely to follow.
Dolores is acutely aware of the vital role optimal diet plays in her canine athletes. As quoted in The Guardian, her dog “eats so healthily he would put many Guardian readers to shame”. Constantly monitoring athletic physique and physical performance and adjusting feed as nutritional requirements change to achieve the ultimate canine winner. In all the years since greyhound racing has commenced, the Irish and English Derbies have been the target for the fastest dogs in that part of the world. Only seven trainers have ever managed to win both, Dolores sits at that exclusive table with the true greats of the sport.
Dolores is recognized both at home and internationally as a leading spokesperson for the industry. She has represented the Greyhound Industry on National television, RTE Sport, Nationwide, Sky Sports TV, Racing Post TV and TV3. Her owners have included Michael Flatley (aka Lord of the Dance), Micheal O’Muircheartaigh (Irish Sports Commentator) Ivan Yates (Talk Show Host, TV & Radio),Tony Ryan (founder of GPA /Ryanair) Stewart Kenny (Founder, Paddy Power), John Boyle (Founder, BoyleSports) and other sports stars and national figures. She has not only worked with government ministers on legislation to improve the industry but also got many onto the winning podium to celebrate a win.